Benefits of eating fruit
I love fruit and I love to eat it. But I’m not a big fruit eater. In fact, I almost prefer cereal, especially the oats, but I’m not a big cereal eater either. I was really busy the last time I ate a whole bowl of cereal.
The benefits of eating fruit for a child include a feeling of well being and greater longevity. For an adult, the benefits include better health, reduced risk for disease, improved productivity, and a sense of well being. The benefits may also include the feeling of belonging and a sense of control.
When we eat fruit the most nutrient is the vitamin C, which adds to our immune system. VITAMIN C is needed for healthy bones and teeth, and the body’s ability to absorb iron is increased. Vitamin C is also needed for the production of collagen and the repair of muscles, tendons and ligaments.
One of the benefits of eating a fruit is that it is a source of vitamin C and dietary fibre. C and F are the two main antioxidants present in fruits. It is important to consume fruits in the right amount and in the right quantity to ensure that they are optimal.
I like to have a lot of fruit around me. I like to eat it when I feel like it. I don’t want to drink too much fruit juice.
I like to eat berries because I like the taste and because I like the antioxidants. But I also like to eat fruit, because I like the taste, and I like the antioxidants, too.
Fruits are a good source of potassium and are usually recommended to people with hypertension. Potassium is needed to maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure. F is good for general health, lowering cholesterol and improving the skin.
C and F provide important energy and nutrients to our bodies. Both vitamin C and dietary fibre are also essential for our body’s ability to eliminate waste.
It’s important to be aware of which foods are good ones for children and which foods are not so good. When we have company we should eat a balanced meal of vegetables, fruit and other foods.